Boca and Tuna in Caribbean

It's time to say goodbye to the beautiful St John in the Caribbean š the place we have been blessed to call home for the past three months. The people here have been the nicest we have ever met and have gone above and beyond to make us feel welcome. It's going to be difficult to say goodbye but hopefully we will be back soon. Regardless, we have made some awesome new lifetime friends.
The absolute hardest thing is going to be Wednesday morning when we have to say our farewells to these two beautiful girls Boca and Tuna. They have truly taken us into their hearts as we have with them and after spending three months together we will be leaving a piece of us behind here for sure.
Both Boca and Tuna are well behaved and beautifully trained (credit to their fur parents) rescue dogs whose personalities are so different from each other and yet they get along together famously.
Tuna is a bit of a mummies girl and I'm especially going to miss her curling up next to me at night and looking into those big beautiful eyes first thing in the morning. Then there are her cheeky looks when she knows she is either about to be mischievousĀ or has already done something she knows she shouldn't. She's just such a likable little girl with the largest of personalities. And, it's been proven that she will eat absolutely anything!
Beautiful Boca is the nurturer of the two. She is the mother figure to Tuna (and to us too I think) and with her wise and quiet nature, she is such a joy to look after. Never pushy, she just gently lets you know what she wants or needs such as gently requesting more hugs by simply placing her paw on your arm or leg. And those big brown eyes on such a pretty face, there's just nothing you would say no to for her.
We have all spent many a day exploring the local area. Climbing the many hills and swimming in the various beaches together. Finding shells, chasing deer (which involved them chasing the deer and us then having to chase them!) and taking lots of road trips together. These are memories we will cherish forever.
The home and outlook were also absolutely stunning and Boca and Tuna's fur parents were extremely gracious, kind and considerate. Fingers crossed we will be back soon to St John and back in the care of these two special canines, Boca and Tuna xo